I’d like to tell you how the Fitness Made Simple program contributed to the significant change in my physique. My desire to lose weight and get in shape became most critical when, at age 13, I hit a peak of 215 lbs on my 5’9″ frame. It was at the end of 8th grade, preparing to enter high school that fall, and I wanted to play on the football team. With football camp a few months away I knew I would never get through it if didn’t begin to get into shape.
With the help of my parents I began a healthy diet and we joined a fitness club for exercise. I then saw John Basedow’s infomercial and how great he looks and I decided to order his tapes Fitness Made Simple: Unlock Your Potential and Six Pack Abs. I was able to incorporate these tapes into my fitness regimen and, as an added advantage, they are beneficial in my off-season football training as well. I am extremely happy with the results of using these tapes. When I look in the mirror I still can’t believe it’s me. With the help of John’s programs I was able to bring my physique to a higher level of definition and I have made them part of my regular workouts.
It is now 2 years since I started my fitness program and I weigh 145 lbs! As you can see from my photos I am in the best shape I could be. My life has changed so much. I am full of energy and confident about how I look. When I look back I realize how getting in shape was very difficult in the beginning but, with the help of people like John demonstrating that it can be done, I was inspired to keep trying. With this in mind I am hoping that my story can inspire other teens to use the Fitness Made Simple programs to lose weight and get into shape. With the number of overweight teens hitting an alarming rate, hopefully my story could be a “wake-up call” and put others on the road to fitness and good heal
My deepest thanks to John and Fitness Made Simple!!
Monroe, NY