I saw you speak at the Hilton in Manhattan and I didn’t think it was possible for me to be more of a fan! You’re such a cool guy! Totally real!
My friends and I used to sit around on our butts, eating chips and watching late night TV, and I developed a crush on John Basedow. I got my first Fitness Made Simple tape several years ago as a bit of a joke because I thought John was hot, but the more I watched the tape the more I got into it and now it’s been years since I’ve “sat around eating chips”. I put on 10 lbs of solid muscle and now I can even do 12 chin ups. You can imagine the stares I get at the gym when a 5’3″ 105 lb blond woman jumps up and cranks out the chin ups!
John, you changed my life! Your program made me a better person! If there is any way that I can appear in any of your future exercise programs I’ll be happy to do it. I’m a total believer and a true life success story. And you look even better in person than on the infomercials, how is that even possible!
I’ve never been what anyone would consider to be fat but you can see that there was no muscle tone in my “Before” shot. That was maybe two and a half years ago. Then I started taking the Fitness Made Simple program seriously. The “After” picture was taken this past weekend. It really is as simple as following a lifestyle of fitness. It really can be done!
New York, NY